Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Hello Alums, 1977 is calling you.  Your 40TH REUNION COMMITTEE has been hard at work.  And I feel confident is saying the effort has not be PUTIN'ed.......So feel safe in reading this, AND opening any email from us, or at least after 12:00pm today February 14th.

The Class Reunion will be on October 21st at the Valley Forge Casino.  For those of you who have not lost all of their brain cells, this is the former location of the Valley Forge Sheraton, and a popular Movie Theatre where I snuck into my first "R" rated movie with George Karr and Jay Freed to see Warren Beatty and Carrie Fisher in Shampoo.  Some of you may have seen Carrie in a more family related plot line in STAR WARS during the same year 1977.

The Casino has all your favorite table games, slots, sports bars, outdoor areas for those of you that still smoke (cigars for me).  Or now favor those e-cigs with less noxious/toxic water vapor!

There will be a group of discounted rooms for people like my wife and I who REALLY don't want to stay with their siblings even though they only live five miles or so away.  We will keep the cost down by having a CASH BAR and more of a cocktail party food delivery rather than a sit down dinner.  So stay tuned for further developments.  .

Now let's get to the FUN stuff.  I show our yearbook above, as we how have a game to play.  The first one who responds to the blog with all the correct answers gets a free drink coupon or possibly a commemorative class of 77 alumni gift.   Members of the committee are NOT eligible, and yours truly has the final word on the correct answers.  Let the games begin:

1) On PAGE 6, What is Sharon holding in her hands?
2) On PAGE 14, What type of jacket is Marty Freed wearing?
3) On PAGE 25, What TV Character does school nurse Mrs. De Marco share a first name with?(hint the setting is an unpopular war in Southeast Asia)
4) On PAGE 34, What female teacher graduated from my College Alma Mater of Drexel University?
5) On PAGE 48, What Fast Food Restaurant is Mark Skelton's hat from?
BONUS:  On PAGE 58, Dan Cipollini is wearing a shirt from a local tavern that one of our teachers allegedly worked at in her spare time.  Who was that teacher?

Next month we will be giving out another great prize dealing with 1977 trivia.....Aren't we excited?!
Arky Bob (Robert Gronwaldt) signing off.