Thursday, May 31, 2012

Which Movie is most like your high school memories

Clip 1:

Clip 2:

Clip 3:

Why are you sending so many emails?

Apologize for all the emails lately.  We made a decision to try our best to contact as many classmates as possible.  In the past six months our email list has grown to about 175.  However, we don't know if everyone gets our email.  Recently, we have used an email service that allows us to track who opens our email. 

For the next few weeks we will be sending 1 email  per week to folks who haven't RSVP (registered or told us that they can't make it). 

You can register online at: 

Click here to order tickets

Or by check to:

MHS Class of ’77
PO Box 26647
Collegeville, PA 19426

Can't make the reunion (we will miss you).  Please send an email to

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What's with the Ticket Pricing?

We are trying our best to keep ticket pricing as low as possible.

We are offering an early bird ticket discount to help with our cash flow and to try to better estimate the number of attendess.

We are offering two options register online or register by US Mail.  The service we are using for online registration charges a $3.63 service fee for registration and credit card processing.  Online registration makes it much easier for the committee.  Therefore, we are offering a $2 discount for online orders. 

Figuring the cost of the stamp, an online order will cost you a little more than $1 above the cost of registering by US Mail.