Monday, March 12, 2012

We the People ...

Our emphasis in planning our 35th Reunion is to contact as many people as possible.  To this effort we have:

  • Established this blog.  This past weekend we reached 1,000 hits.
  • Sent out 160 post cards.
  • Built an email list of over 160 contacts
  • Posted announcements in PATCH.COM
Please review the Missing Classmate page and reach out to the classmates we can't find or have not responded to our requests.

Classmate Directory

We are planning on putting together a classmate directory.  (For both attendees and those that can not make the event).  The electronic directory will be free to everyone who "opts-in" by providing their information.  Paper or CD versions will be available for a fee.

Please let us know if you have any suggestions regarding how to compile this information.  Specifically, we would like to include photos but need help in figuring out how to efficiently do this.

Connecting to Non-Attendees

Looking for suggestions and possible help implementing these solutions to connect to classmates that are not able to attend.
  • We have wireless capabilities and are considering a live stream.  Looking for help to set this up.
  • We are putting together a video.  We will solicit video clip greetings from classmates not able to attend.
  • We are looking for suggestions to how to connect to classmates (other than the live stream) using Internet capabilities.  Looking for suggestions and help.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

143 Days and Counting

Our email mailing list has topped 160.  Thanks to everyone who has provided their contact information. 

We have made a couple additions to our memorial page. 

Please let everyone know (by commenting) if you are planning on attending the reunion this July.

The Reunion Committee met last night.  Next meeting is Wednesday April 4th at the Wegman's in Collegeville.  Here are some pictures of the Reunion Committee.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

We can use your help.

The Reunion is a community event.  In order to have the best possible event, we can use your help.

Check out the Missing Classmate Page  -- Please contact any friends or family and let them know what is going on.

Volunteer -- The next committee meeting is Tuesday March 6 7 PM at Wegmans in Collegeville.  All are welcome.

Pictures or Movies from Elementary, Jr or Sr High School for the video.  Digital pics and videos please.  Forward to