FebruaryReunion Newsletter
Save the Date!
The 35th Class reunion of the Methacton HighSchool Class of 1977 will be held:
Saturday July28th
The Loft atLimerick Golf Club
Methacton HighSchool Class of 1977 Reunion Blog
Please visit our blog.
http://mhsclassof77reunion.blogspot.com/. We have created the blog for three main reasons.
1. A central place to keep you informed of ourprogress.
2. To increase our web presence so that classmatescan find us in an online search.
3. As a medium to engage you in the planningprocess.
Please visit, subscribe and comment.
Our primary communication method will be email. Over the next few weeks we will be doing apostal mailing to approximately 100 classmates with whom we only have addressinformation.
It is our goal to publish a monthly update. The next update will be after the March 6thcommittee meeting.
Classmates can contact us by:
Mail: MHSClass of 77
POBox 26647
Collegeville PA, 19426
Please visit our YouTube page:
http://www.youtube.com/user/MHSclassof1977. We are looking for additional digital photosfrom our school days. Please forward digitalphotos to
We need yourhelp!
Weare still trying to locate approximately 300classmates. Please forward this email toany classmates.
A list of missing and unaccounted for classmates can befound in a blogpost.
http://mhsclassof77reunion.blogspot.com/. We are trying our best to keep the class listup to date, please let us know if we made any mistakes.
Please consider volunteering. Our next committee meeting is Tuesday March 6that the Collegeville Wegmans.